To Donate:
You may contribute to the New Masjid construction fund or pay your Zakat money securely using any major credit card by clicking
here. You can also send a check to:
Masjid Al-Momineen P.O. Box 1289 Clarkston, GA. 30021.
Directions to Masjid:
Masjid Al-Momineen is located in Clarkston, Georgia. Please click here for maps and full directions
from the airport, major highways; by bus or MARTA.
Click here to read articles published by community memebers, to publish your own articles, or to make comments.
Prayer Times:
Click here for the Masjid prayer times.
More Info:
Please visit Masjid Al-Momineen's website to learn more about the Masjid's
management structure, needs, or
construction progress.
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Oct. 08, 2009
Are you unhappy or depressed?
Lasting happiness seems illusory to many, but Islam provides us with all the keys we need to unlock the secrets of happiness.
Modern man is given various remedies to cure or to eschew unhappiness
and depression. These remedies range from attending psychotherapy
sessions, changing careers, and building or enhancing relationships to participating in sports, taking Prozac or going on vacations.
Soaring unemployment & Masjid finances!
Hardly anyone has been completely immune from the effects of the financial meltdown which started last year and is continuing to affect millions
of people in America. Soaring unemployment numbers are projected to rise even more until at least the middle of 2011. Many states, including Georgia,
are reporting double digit unemployment numbers. Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported on 9/29 that
26,000 additional Metro Atlanta families slipped
into poverty. Muslims are just as affected as anyone else. Most Masaajid throughout the Metro Atlanta area are
struggling to meet their operational obligations. Masjid Al-Momineen is in worse shape as the community is mostly made up of immigrant workers.
We are embarking on a campaign to enlist some sincere Muslims into our Auto-Debit program. All we ask is that you donate $1 a day towards our
operational expenses. Using the Auto-Debit program, you will not have to remember to bring cash with you when you visit the Masjid or to mail checks regularly.
You simply print and fill out this form,
and mail it to the Masjid PO Box (find PO address in left pane or on the form)
along with a voided check. You do this one time. And, you determine the amount and frequency
of your donations or Sadaqat al-Jaariah (perpetual charity). We do the rest. Rest assured you can cancel the arrangement at any time.
Can you not
afford just $1 a day? That is less than the price of one cup of coffee. If you cannot, you can still participate in the program. The minimum is $10 per month
or 33 cents a day.
Currently, 15 Muslims are participating in the program donating as little as $10/mo and some as much as $150/mo. The Auto-Debit program is generating a
total of $890 in donations each month. However, that is hardly enough as Masjid Al-Momineen's operational expenses alone range from $5,000 to $6,000 per month.
That excludes repairs and enhancements. We often are forced to take money out of the Construction account to pay for the monthly bills.
We will be happy to provide you with names and phone numbers of some of the individuals who are participating in the program for any inquiries.
Please let us know.
If you feel more comfortable donating by credit card or debit card,
you can do so securely using PayPal as well.